2015 – My year in travels

  As I sit here munching on chocolate coins left over from Christmas stockings I look back on my year in travel. January I saw in the beginning of 2015 with my boyfriend and my sister in the beautiful Barcelona. Like everything in this city New Year’s Eve or ‘Noche Vieja’ as they call it in Spanish is celebrated in a big way, not just with fireworks, but light shows

2014 – My year in travels

Below are some of my travel highlights of 2014. Luckily I’ve been able to do and see a few things this year, which I’ve been wanting to for a very long time. January  I saw in the New Year in the UK with my family and then headed over to Granada in southern Spain just in time for Día de los Reyes or Three Kings Day to see the yearly procession and

Coming home …

The evening light shines bright, giving everything in its path a metallic bronze shimmer. Palms line the avenue ahead and the smell of sea salt fills the heavy air. I amble along narrow side streets decked with an array of eccentric characters – the tourists laden with bags like small Greek donkeys, the old lady with her fluffy white cats dressed in colourful flower garlands, and the hip young dad